Minutes of the Annual Assembly of the BRATTON PARISH MEETING,
held at the Jubilee Hall, Bratton, Wiltshire
on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Cllr Rayward (Chair), Cllr Franklin, Cllr Elliott, Cllr Whittaker, Cllr Jolly, Cllr Cole, Cllr Lloyd, Cllr Ligo, Cllr Macduff, Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, PSCO Moore and 14 members of the public.
1 | Apologies for Absence
Anne Bailey
2 | Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2022
The minutes of the 2022 APM were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Mr Drummond).
3 | Bratton Parish Council – Report from the Chair of the Parish Council
Cllr Rayward Chair of the Parish Council 2022-2023 presented a report for the 2022/23 municipal year and tabled the PC’s Annual Report for 2022-2023.
4 | Wiltshire Councillor for Ethandune Electoral Division
Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham had provided a report which is included in the attached Annual Report. The Chair thanked Cllr Wickham for her support.
5 | Police Community Support Team
PCSO Alice Moore presented the crime report for 2022-2023:
87 crimes and 61 other incidents Crimes included: 2x Burglary (one was domestic related, the other was a garage NOT house) This means no classic house burglaries this year! 10x thefts (4 were shoplifts) 44x assaults (1 on an emergency worker) 12x criminal damage (4 of which were at Bratton Camp/White Horse) 5x vehicle offences (mainly thefts from a vehicle NOT of a vehicle) 1x drink drive offence
“Incidents” are non-crimes that police deal with. These included 9x ASB (5 involving youths, 4 not!) 8x Road Traffic Collisions (7 were damage only, one involved an injury) 1x vehicle seizure (for having no MOT)
To note, 2021-2022 was 80 crimes, 2020-2021 was 91 crimes so we are pretty settled but a slight decrease from last year
No dog thefts (not stranger anyway, a few disputes over ownership) in Wiltshire in the whole year.
In addition, PCSO Moore drew attention to the services provided by the Bobby Van, which would carry out free home security assessments for those over 60 years of age or over 18 years of age with disabilities. The service included the replacement of window locks, door locks and chains and also, were necessary, the installation of a key box for a donation.
In response to a question it was confirmed that the Parish Council would publish PSCO Moore’s contact details on the parish website.
6 | Community Speed Watch
Georgina Dahl reported the following: · The device has last been operational in the parish in April, with 2-3 sessions being carried out each week. The device was now shared with just one other parish and was next due in Bratton in June. · The Trowbridge Road site had been suspended for CSW use due to the change in speed limit, which required a 3 month wait period before it could be operational again. Speed Enforcement Officers had attended and found that not one vehicle had been travelling within the speed limit. · It was reported that the speed enforcement team consisted of speed enforcement officers, admin officers and investigators. Officers held the power to prosecute. Hundreds of letters were sent each week as a result of speed enforcement operations. · The team still required volunteers and the Parish Council would add information on the CSW team to the parish website. · The Chair thanked the CSW team for its efforts.
7 | Neighbourhood Planning
Cllr Cole provided a report on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton, a copy of which is included in the attached Annual Report.
8 | Bratton Week
Mr Ken Davis reported on the arrangements for Bratton Week 2023: · Many events were now being confirmed for the week and sub groups were working on the website for the event and publicity material. · The banner for Bratton Week was tabled and attention drawn to the printed QR codes, which would link to the event timetable. · The school would be running a Scarecrow Trail during Bratton Week and the Jubilee Players would be hosting a Murder Mystery night. · Plans for a picnic in the park were being progressed and the team was liaising with The Duke pub for its support. · The Chair thanked the team for their efforts in putting together a Bratton Week.
9 | Bratton Recreation Ground
Mr Manson provided a report, a copy of which is included in the attached Annual Report.
The Annual General Meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee also took place three volunteer members were appointed to the Committee – Mr Manson, Mr Preuveneers and Mr Sharland (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Mr Drummond).
10 | Reports from local organisations and community groups
· Jubilee Hall Committee – Mr Fanning provided a report provided, a copy of which is included in the Annual Report.
· Reeves Orchard – Mr Crosby provided a report, a copy of which is included in the Annual Report.
· Bratton Primary School – the Head Teacher Mrs Emma Williams provided a report on the Primary School reporting that the Ofsted Inspection of 2022 had found the school to be ‘good’. The team were continuing to work on the areas highlighted in the inspection; the curriculum, parent engagement and children’s reading. She reported on the new vision for the school and its wish to be more involved in the local community. The work of Friends of Bratton School was highlighted. It was reported that the school would be having a significant amount of work carried out over the summer holidays and would be closed to staff and visitors. In response to a question Mrs Williams confirmed that the school had good links with local secondary schools and was trying to further develop links with Lavington school. It was also reported that there were 141 children on roll and that the September intake was full.
· Bratton Pre-School – No report.
· Tidy Bratton Group – Cllr Cole read out a report from Mrs Tarling, a copy of which is included in the Annual Report.
· St James Church – No report.
· Bratton Baptist Church – Mrs McManus provided a report, a copy of which is included in the Annual Report.
· Bratton History Association – Sian Morgan reported the following: o That the BHA was going from strength to strength with membership levels increasing and healthy attendance at meetings. o Meetings were held on the last Sunday of each month, with a break over the summer period. o Mr Manson had developed a new history walk for the east side of the parish as part of the Bratton Week celebrations. o Research continued for the ‘Chalk and Cheese’ history of Bratton and an oral history project was being carried out. o Further research was being carried out into the ancient hamlet of Little Stoke. o The group were supporting in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan and were developing a list of heritage assets for inclusion. This included properties and assets of heritage significance that were not formally Listed Buildings.
· Women’s Royal British Legion – had presented apologies for absence and confirmed a report would be provided, a copy of which would be included in the Annual Report.
· Women’s Institute – Sian Morgan reported the following: o The Institute was an important part of the fabric of the village and had an increasing membership. o Meetings were held once a month at the Church Institute with a wide variety of speakers. o The Women’s Institute also ran book groups, walking clubs and craft groups. o There were two evening meetings a year. o A Pudding Evening was being arranged as part of Bratton Week.
· Royal British Legion – No report.
· Other organisations: None.
11 | Parish Forum
A resident reported on an issue with overflowing dog bins and queried the possibility of additional bins being installed. It was confirmed that the emptying of the bins was a Wiltshire Council responsibility and Cllr Wickham reported on issues experienced by the teams due to extra waste being added to the bins. The Chair invited residents to let the Parish Council know of problem areas, which would then be looked into.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.25 pm.