
The Tidy Bratton Group

Category: Volunteers

Tidy Bratton group photo #2The Tidy Bratton Group comprises a number of community-minded residents who meet together approximately once a month to keep our village looking at its best. Anyone can join in. The dates are advertised on posters around the village, as well as by email to everyone who has asked to be included on the mailing list.

These volunteers have also ‘adopted’ roads and footpaths in order to litter-pick; check that salt bins are filled and to highlight any tasks which may need the attention of the Parish Steward.

Wiltshire Council provides the services of a Parish Steward for two days a month and he will clear debris, fill small pot holes etc.

Every year, Bratton participates in Wiltshire’s Best Kept Village competition. and in 2022 was judged to be the ‘Winner of the Winners’ (known as the Laurence Kitching award). In 2023 Bratton was judged the ‘Best kept large village’ in Wiltshire, so will once again be competing for the Laurence Kitching award in 2024.

The coordinators of this group are Chris and April Tarling.

Telephone: 01380 830 468