Bratton’s Branch of the Royal British Legion
President Lt Gen Louis P. Lillywhite CB MBE
Chairman Col. Michael O’Donoghue CBE
Hon. Treasurer Keith C. Rayward
The Bratton Branch of the Royal British Legion was formed in March 1943 enjoying strong support within the village.
The Branch has over fifty members, the majority of whom live in Bratton. So far, the Branch has raised over £3K towards the 2022/23 national Poppy Appeal through collecting boxes in the village, house to house collections and Poppy Talks.
The Branch works with the Bratton Women’s Section and the visibility of both organisations means that ex-service members of the community who may be suffering hardship of any nature know where they can turn to for help. The Branch provides support to other village activities such as the Parish Council’s Emergency Planning Team and Platinum Jubilee Celebration working group.
The Royal British Legion Women’s Section meets monthly in the Jubilee Hall and has a varied programme of food, fun and friendship with occasional speakers. These are enjoyed by members with an age range of 15-95 years of age. The branch welcomes everyone and you do not have to be associated with the Forces.