Bratton Womens Institute
President: Janet Jones
Secretary: Mary Lloyd
Membership to Bratton WI is open to all women over 16, and annual membership includes a monthly meeting, a monthly national ma
gazine, plus Wiltshire Federation’s newsletter.
We meet at 2.00 p.m. at the Church Institute Hall every 1st Tuesday of each month, except for August, when our progr
amme includes an annual outing.
A full programme of events, plus posters etc. are displayed in the village notice boards attached to the Jubilee Hall.
Other regular monthly activities include:
• Book Club
• Walking Club
Bratton WI is part of the Wiltshire Federation of WIs, and consequently the National Federation of WIs – the largest country wide organisation of women in the UK – giving women friendship, educational opportunities, and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
Recent National WI campaigns have included ‘Stop Modern Slavery’ and ‘A Call to Increase Awareness of the Subtle Signs of Ovarian Cancer.’
For a broader list of members benefits see: