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The CPRE presented Bratton with awards for being the 2023 Best Kept Large Village in the whole of Wiltshire on Sunday 24th September.
The CPRE were welcomed to Bratton by our Village Crier (Ray Davis), following which Anne Henshaw, Chairman Wiltshire Branch CPRE made her welcoming address.
The CPRE Standard & Shield was unveiled by Mrs Sarah Troughton DStJ, Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire.
April and Chris Tarling, Tidy Bratton organisers, were presented with the Wiltshire Council plaque by Cllr James Sheppard, Chairman of Wiltshire Council.
A framed CPRE Certificate was presented by Mr. Pradeep Bhardwaj, High Sheriff of Wiltshire to Peter Brabner, on behalf of the Reeves Orchard Group.
Mr Pawel Kisielewski, Chief Executive Officer of CCm Technologies presented the CCm Technologies plaque to Peter Needham, representing the Monday Gang.
Keith Rayward, Chair, Bratton Parish Council, received a framed, round District CPRE Certificate from Ken McCall, CPRE West Wiltshire Group.
Following a vote of thanks from the Village Crier, Ray Davis, everyone moved to the Jubilee Hall for a scrumptious cream tea, prepared by the Jubilee Hall committee.